2022 Law Prof Twittersphere

This year’s law prof twitter census results were recently published over on TheFacultyLounge. At the risk of being pilloried by law profs on twitter, I’ve again chosen to map out the prof following network and tabulate some rankings. As always, caveats abound (see below). The Network There was an impressive growth in the number of… Continue reading 2022 Law Prof Twittersphere

The Law Prof Twittersphere 2020

This year’s law prof twitter census results were published back in September. After some delay—due in part to my international move during a global pandemic, in other part to my having actual work to do, and in remainder to 2020 being such a great year—I’ve gotten around to mapping the law prof network and subsequently… Continue reading The Law Prof Twittersphere 2020

The Law Prof Twittersphere 2019

Following on the publication of this year’s Law Prof Twitter Census, I have re-run my law-prof-twitter-network-grabbing-script. There’s an updated network of law prof twitter following relations pictured below (click through for interactive version, it may take a moment to load and you may need to allow javascript to run). Once again, nodes are colored by… Continue reading The Law Prof Twittersphere 2019

LSA Twittersphere

I mapped the twitter following relations of users who had tweeting using the various LSA hashtags (#lsadc2019, #lsa2019, and #lsadc19). Nodes are sized by in-degree and colored by modularity community, of which there are 9 in the main component. Click through for an interactive version.

IPSC 2018 Twittersphere

I grabbed following relations for the users who tweeted using the #IPSC2018 hasttag (after August 1st 2018). Map below (click through for interactive version). Takeaway: IP tweeters tend to follow one another a lot. It’s a fairly dense network as  far as these these go, with 128 nodes and 2,769 edges.  

#iconshk network

#iconshk twittersphere

I’ve re-downloaded the #iconshk twitter follower data. Over the first two days of the conference, the number of users who have tweeted using the hashtag has more than doubled – from 106 to 261 users. There are now two connected components (I’ve removed about a half dozen isolates from the visualization, but will include them… Continue reading #iconshk network

SSRN e-Journals and Downloads

I recently uploaded a couple of forthcoming  articles to SSRN (see: https://ssrn.com/author=1544651). Part of the upload process is selecting the relevant “e-journals” you think the article belongs in. As I was doing so, I wondered how much of a difference it really makes. Like, does submitting to more journals lead to more downloads? To satisfy… Continue reading SSRN e-Journals and Downloads

Upcoming Computational Legal Studies Workshop at HKU

We’re excited to be hosting a workshop focusing on Computational Legal Studies here at HKU next June (http://www.lawtech.hk/cfp-computational-legal-studies-2018). Details from the CFP below. We’ve already put together an exciting bunch of researchers. Don’t hesitate to submit something if you’d like to attend. CFP: The Emergence of Computational Legal Studies: The Promises and Challenges of Data-Driven… Continue reading Upcoming Computational Legal Studies Workshop at HKU

Legal Scholarship Network Research Production & Consumption

There are hundreds of thousands of papers “published” in LSN e-journals. These papers have the potential to provide a great deal of insight into the production and consumption of legal academic research. I’ve been interested in this data for a while, but it wasn’t until this weekend that I finally found some time to dig… Continue reading Legal Scholarship Network Research Production & Consumption