Law School Lateral Hiring

I was recently asked about lateral hiring at American law schools. I pointed the questioner to lists of lateral hires available both at Brian Leiter’s blog, and those made by Dan Filler at ConcurringOpinions, and TheFacultyLounge. These are very useful sources of information, but a bunch of annual lists can be hard to make sense of.… Continue reading Law School Lateral Hiring

The #CongreSSH2016 twitter-sphere

I’m currently at the airport, waiting to board my flight back from the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Calgary. Congress is a sort of super-conference where over 70 scholarly associations simultaneously hold their annual conventions. For those who aren’t Canadian academics, the concept might seem a bit foreign, but it works well in practice.… Continue reading The #CongreSSH2016 twitter-sphere

Judicial Gobbledygook.

Justice SMOG Distributions

I published a short essay in the Yale Law Journal forum recently: I thought I’d slightly supplement the content available there by posting the interactive charts here: Here’s an overall plot of mean SMOG since 1946:     A plot of the mean intra-judge z-score by years of tenure: Each judge’s yearly intra-judge SMOG… Continue reading Judicial Gobbledygook.