I’ve re-downloaded the #iconshk twitter follower data. Over the first two days of the conference, the number of users who have tweeted using the hashtag has more than doubled – from 106 to 261 users. There are now two connected components (I’ve removed about a half dozen isolates from the visualization, but will include them in the final data file which I’ll post here after grabbing the data again at the end of the conference). As before, click through the image below for an interactive version:

Original version of the post/network below:
During yesterday’s opening ceremony at the ICON-S conference being held here at HKU, I had grabbed the twitter data on all the users who by that time had used the #iconshk hashtag. This is just a preliminary pass, and I will grab the data again after the conference has wrapped up and everyone has got the #iconshk tweeting out of their system.
In the meantime, I’ve put together an interactive network (click through the image below) so you can see the initial universe of ICON tweeters. The relationships here are following/follower relations. Colors are modularity communities. I leave it to those more familiar with the public law world to interpret the community meanings.